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Gypsy Registries

Gypsy CaraVanners are lifetime members of the GVHS. All of our horses are registered with the GVHS. Many of our horses are double or triple registered. Both of our stallions, Jenn's Blue Eyed Stallion & Anubis, are also registered the the GHRA. The American & International Gypsy Horse Registry Lists are below.

List of American Registries

Below is a list of the American Gypsy Registries:

Gypsy Vanner Horse Society (GVHS)

Gypsy Horse Registry of America (GHRA)

Gypsy Horse Association (GHA) -

Gypsy, Cob, Drum Horse Association (GCDHA)

International Drum Horse Association

List of International Registries

The Irish Cob Society – GCDHA-ICS

Australasian Gypsy Horse Society

Adding Your Registry to This Webpage

 Send your registry's name, logo, website, any other contact info, & bio, if desired to our email, or through the 'contact us' on this website.

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